(AKA Sarcasto and Clark Kent‘s Excellent Adventure)
CAST: Paul Rudd, Seann William Scott, Elizabeth Banks, Christopher Mintz-Plaase, Bobbe J. Thompson.
DIRECTOR: David Wain
WARNING: Some SPOILERS and two thoroughly underrated mentors straight ahead…
FAVORITE OF: Mine (Of course)
IN A NUTSHELL: Sarcastic jerk Danny (Paul Rudd) and fun-loving playboy Wheeler (Seann William Scott) both work for an Energy Drink company. When one of their goofy shenanigans leads to a fight with a tow-truck-driver, then a car accident, they are sentenced to community service by acting as (oh, dear God, why?) Big Brothers to a couple of troubled kids. Danny’s “little brother” is Augie (Christopher Mintz-Plaase), a geeky dork who loves Medieval role-playing. Wheeler’s “little brother” is Ronnie (Bobbe Thompson), a hellion who is basically a pint-sized Eddie Murphy - only somehow more foul-mouthed (if you can imagine that). Will Danny and Wheeler prove that they are worthy mentors and transform Augie and Ronnie? Or are the kids pretty much going to walk all over them? Who’s in charge of who? Will Danny and Wheeler teach Augie and Ronnie how to deal? Or is their community service pretty much fucked?
WHY I LOVE IT: For starters, it‘s got Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott, two of the hottest guys in the Universe, who are also two of the funniest guys in the Universe (ladies and gents, if you can find a guy with great cheekbones AND a great sense of humor, dude‘s a keeper). For the main course, it‘s got brilliantly sardonic and edgy humor. And for desserts, it’s got a great supporting cast led by the gorgeous Elizabeth Banks, the hilarious Jane Lynch, and the adorable Christopher Mintz-Plaase and Bobbe Thompson. One of my favorite comedies of all time. The framed movie poster hangs in my bedroom. That’s how much I love it. But don’t take my word for it. See the trailer - then see the movie…