(Now, that’s what I’m talking about: HEAT, but with Batman and The Joker instead of DeNiro and Pacino...)
CAST: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gylenhaal, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Monique Gabriela Curnen, Eric Roberts, Melinda McGraw, Ron Dean.
NOTE: Once again, NO SPOILERS this time. This is one movie that you want to go in, as raw as can be…
It’s interesting that the highest-rated film here, thus far, is going to get the shortest review, but it’s for the best. Anyone who’s seen THE DARK KNIGHT already knows how great it is, and anyone who hasn’t will want to know as little as possible going in. Suffice it to say, Christopher Nolan and his cast top their stellar last effort, BATMAN BEGINS, by taking the themes explored in that film - and then going much deeper, and darker.
A brief synopsis: Gotham still has crime problems, but Bruce Wayne (Bale) wants out and is ready to pass the torch to rising and, let’s face it, narcissistic D.A. Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart, terrific). Complicating things is the fact that Dent is dating Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gylenhaal, stepping in for Katie Holmes). This is tricky because the main reason that Bruce want to quit being the Bat is so that he can have a future with Rachel. Even further mucking things up is the sudden rash of violent crimes perpetrated by a menacing new criminal threat called The Joker (Heath Ledger, earning every ounce of gold in that posthumous Oscar award, bless his soul), who exerts an almost supernatural hold of terror over the populace.
Coming back from the first film, along with Bale, are Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, and Cillian Murphy. New characters include Det. Ramirez (Monique Gabriela Curnen), Gordon's confidante who gains importance as the story progresses, and Salvatore Maroni (Eric Roberts), an underworld sleaze who is at the top of the criminal food chain that Batman, Dent, and Gordon are gnawing on.
BUT, SERIOUSLY. But, seriously: THE DARK KNIGHT does the seemingly impossible - turn a superhero movie into a morally, emotionally, and psychologically-relevant film. This movie poses more profound questions than your average Best Picture-nominee. This is one of those movies that words can’t do justice describing, precisely because you would expect it to be so easy to describe - but it isn't. But the fact of the matter is THE DARK KNIGHT is the perfect example of pulse-pounding kinetic thriller that has bottomless heart - and dark soul. Brilliant.
Great direction from Nolan. Terrific performances from the entire cast - and a stronger female presence, this time around, in the presence of Rachel, Ramirez, and Barbara Gordon. And, once again, a triumphantly evocative score from Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard.
Now, let's await THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS....