***** (Spectacular) 10

****1/2 (Excellent) 9

**** (Very Good) 8

***1/2 (Good) 7

*** (Above Average) 6

**1/2 (Average) 5

** (Below Average) 4

*1/2 (Mediocre) 3

* (Awful) 2

1/2 (Abysmal) 1

0 (Worthless) 0

Friday, July 6, 2012

Belated Happy Fourth.....

A tardy "Happy Independence Day!" to all fellow Yanks here in the States and around the world. Apologies for not getting any movie reviews or anything else posted this past week. With the Fourth of July festivities and celebrations, and other social engagements, it's been quite busy. It's fun but a bit awkward throwing a Fourth of July celebration on Hump Day. But we managed it anyway. Par-tay!

The movie reviews should start posting over the weekend. For now, please expect our much-delayed Movie Music Track Of The Week to post...

Wherever you are in the World, hope you're enjoying the summer.