***** (Spectacular) 10

****1/2 (Excellent) 9

**** (Very Good) 8

***1/2 (Good) 7

*** (Above Average) 6

**1/2 (Average) 5

** (Below Average) 4

*1/2 (Mediocre) 3

* (Awful) 2

1/2 (Abysmal) 1

0 (Worthless) 0

Sunday, April 22, 2012

APRIL REVIEWS: Revised Schedule...

Hello, folks...

I had planned to get the reviews posted, but its been a perfect weekend to spend outdoors. In Italian, to "yearn for the sun" means "bramasole" - and it's been a Bramasole Weekend if there was ever one. At any rate, in order to prepare for the Summer Movie Season, we've decided to shorten our reviews for April. As the summer goes on, I will try to insert them into the schedule here and there. For now, though, there's precious little time until THE AVENGERS kicks off the Summer Movie Season next week, and we have to be prepared.

As such, please find a shortened movie reviews list for April, with the new releases at the end this time to segue nicely into our Summer Schedule:

# 448 - CLASH OF THE TITANS (AKA Sam Worthington In A Buzz Cut And Toga. Sign. Me. Up)

# 449 - PARIS (AKA Love Actually, French-Style)

# 450 - THE BROTHERS BLOOM (AKA Who Is The Cat And Who Is The Mouse?)

# 451 - SATURNO CONTRO (AKA: Love Actually, Italian-Style)

# 452 - SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN (AKA Longshot - The Movie)

# 453 - THE RAVEN (AKA: The Silence Of The Poe)

And a snippet suite of Ramin Djawadi's awesome musical score for CLASH OF THE TITANS. Energetic, exciting, emotional music. I can just hear this music playing over a climactic World Cup match...

Have a wonderful week, folks. Wherever you maybe in the world, soak up the sun. Bramasole...