***** (Spectacular) 10

****1/2 (Excellent) 9

**** (Very Good) 8

***1/2 (Good) 7

*** (Above Average) 6

**1/2 (Average) 5

** (Below Average) 4

*1/2 (Mediocre) 3

* (Awful) 2

1/2 (Abysmal) 1

0 (Worthless) 0

Friday, October 31, 2014


Well, folks...  we did it.  We're at the end of our "31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN" marathon of horror movies - and we actually reviewed 32 films in 31 days.  And, quite frankly, if we don't watch another horror film for the next year or so, that will be just fine.  I need to watch some Sandra Bullock romantic trifle to cleanse my palate or something.  

Anyhow, I have to get back to my party.  Just took the time to post the last of our Horror Flick Reviews...

Please expect our Winter 2014/2015 reviews to start posting next week with the arrival of Christopher Nolan's INTERSTELLAR.  

Don't do anything I wouldn't do tonight...
